Compulsory supplementary health insurance as of 1st January 2016

Last up dating on Friday 01 January 2016

As of 1st January 2016 a complementary social collective coverage (business insurance) has to be offered by the employer to all their staff, having none, in complement to the social security insurance basis. For more information about applications terms click here.

As soon as you have implemented a social collective coverage, please let us know all necessary data to manage them via field/contact us/kind of demand "adhesion"/subject of demand : adhesion collective coverage :

  • insurance company's name and contact details
  • rates or flat rates implemented by sharing (wage earner's and employer's part)
  • name of wage earners recipient.

If this business insurance is allready set in your company and the information have been transmitted to you TFE center, you have nothing more to do.